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3 Simple Tricks To Remember Adjectives During Your DALF C1 French Oral Exam

ACE your DALF C1 French oral exam

Do you feel as if your memory goes blank, or you struggle with quickly collecting your thoughts to develop an answer, while taking your DALF C1 French oral exam and you forget how to respond to common questions that ask for you to describe a person, a co-worker, or an employer? recommends that you simplify your studying and re-use our ACE method.

What is the ACE method? Simply put, it is using the acronym A.C.E. to represent the French adjectives that you want to use to describe a person or a team at your work in a positive light. Let us demonstrate:

  • A – Autonome (indepedent), Acharné (determined), Ambitieux (ambitious), Attentionné (attentive)
  • C – Chevronné (experienced), Créatif (creative), Calme (calm), Cooperative (cooperative)
  • E – Esprit de service (service minded), Esprit de collaboration (spirt of collaboration), Esprit de corps (team spirit), Efficace (efficient)

The ACE method in practice

Whenever you have to recall French adjectives to describe a person or team at work during your French oral exam, then you can select from the list of options that we noted to represent A.C.E. because in English an ace is someone that has mastered a skill or seen as an expert. As we noted in our downloadable e-book in the Amazon Kindle store, Le Plan D’action (DELF, DALF, TCF, TEF, and Public Sector oral exam preparation) (French Edition) you can use and review for more information.

Now that you understand why we selected the keyword A.C.E. as our study trick for your DALF C1 French oral exam, let us demonstrate some possible sentences where it is being used.

  • Ma responsable du département de la comptabilité est en partie responsable de veiller à ce que la Croix-Rouge puisse remplir son mandat d’aider les personnes dans le besoin, elle doit donc être très attentive lorsqu’elle analyse nos finances.
  • L’année dernière, lorsque mon équipe a dû faire beaucoup d’heures supplémentaires non rémunérées, il était important que nous fassions preuve de créativité pour trouver des moyens d’être productifs.
  • Étant donné que mon travail aux Nations unies nous amène à travailler avec de nombreux partenaires internationaux, il est nécessaire que mes collègues aient un esprit de collaboration.


  • My manager in the accounting department is partly responsible for ensuring that the Red Cross can meet its mandate to help people in need, so she must be very attentive when analyzing our finances.
  • Last year, when my team had to work a lot of unpaid overtime, it was important that we were creative in finding ways to be productive.
  • Given that my job at the United Nations requires us to work with many international partners, it is necessary for my colleagues to have a spirit of collaboration.

Now that you have seen the ACE method in action, what French adjectives would you use for A, C, and E?

Identify your list of adjectives and practice creating phrases and sentences that you can use during your DALF C1 French oral exam. Remember to add this task to your personal learning plan.

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French oral exam study guide ebook series
French oral exam study-guide. Over 30 exam themes. Learn the most common French exam questions and how to provide a complex, yet concise response.

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