During your DALF C1 French oral exam it may be natural for you to not agree with a specific point of view or argument made by your evaluator. As such, it is important that your personal learning plan also include the ability to make a negative judgment as you express your opinion on a topic.
Phrases for your DALF C1 Exam
- Porter un jugement négatif / Making a negative judgment
- Je ne trouve pas ça très intéressant. (I don’t find it very interesting.)
- Je trouve ça assez ennuyeux. (I think it’s pretty boring.)
- Ce n’est pas terrible. (It’s not great.)
- Je ne suis pas enthousiaste. (I’m not enthusiastic about it.)
- C’est sans intérêt. (It’s not interesting.)
- C’est plutôt moche. (It’s pretty ugly.)
- C’est absolument horrible. (It’s absolutely horrible.)
- C’est vraiment affreux. (It’s really awful)


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