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Préparez-vous pour le jour de votre examen oral de français / Be prepared for the day of your French oral exam recommends that you properly prepare for the day of your French oral interview.   You may find that the majority of these steps are simple and seem like common sense, however, don’t forget to implement them into your preparation.  We have compiled a few of the most important actions that you should consider doing in order to be ready to succeed during your interview of French oral DELF / DALF / TCF / TEF exam.

Parlez, parlez, parlez!  Try to speak in French as must as possible with your colleagues, friends, or even simply by restating what you hear when listening to French audio. 

First impression.  Start speaking French as soon as you arrive or are able to interact with your evaluator.  Demonstrating your ability to be at ease while making basic conversation, such as discussing the weather or traffic, can create a strong first impression that may also reduce your level of stress and help you to adapt to the interview environment before entering into the core of your evaluation. 

It is not about perfection.  Do not be overwhelmed with unrealistic thoughts of trying to have a perfect performance.  If you are unable to think of a certain word, then use a simple substitute to explain the same concept.  If you note that you made a mistake, then go ahead and immediately correct yourself, as in a normal conversation, however do not emphasis or dwell on your error. 

Identification.  Ensure that you bring the proper identifications that may be required prior to starting your French oral interview. 

Be early.  Know the route to arrive at the interview and plan on arriving at least 10 minutes in advance so that you have time to complete any required administration process and you have time to be calm and relaxed before starting the interview. 

Essentials.  Do not bring unnecessary materials to the interview which may just become a source of distraction.  Typically, the evaluation office will have any required paper, pens, or pencils that you may need for your evaluation. 

Notes.  Usually, the evaluator will keep any notes that you may have made during the evaluation in order to avoid the potential of having the materials shared with others that may have to take the same evaluation. 

Time management.  Practice timing yourself performing common questions so that you can get a sense of how to manage your time during the evaluation, and ensure that you are able to answer all of the questions that may exist within a restricted time period. 

Listen.  Listen to the evaluator’s and know that it is acceptable to have a brief period of time to reflect upon the question instead of giving the evaluator the impression that you are able to respond quickly simply because you memorized responses. 

What other advice do you have to ensure that you are ready the day of your French interview? Be sure to share with other people working to learn French just like you.

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