DALF C1 French Learning Plan

How to justify the value of developing a DALF C1 French learning plan

Are you really ready for your DALF C1 exam?

Are you looking to improve your French learning strategy and feel more confident to take your DALF C1 French exam in 2021?

Then consider helping yourself to develop a learning plan.

By defining goals and the steps needed to achieve them, you’ll improve the efficiency of your learning and development. The best plans are personal to individual learners. 

The only downside is that learning plans can be time-consuming to create. 

Reuse our French Oral Exam Learning Plan

But you shouldn’t skip this crucial step. This article will help you justify the value of developing a personal learning plan to help you prepare for your DALF C1 oral exam.

All too often, people believe that a formal training course is the only answer, but training is expensive often training programs are very generic and not tailored to you as the individual learner that must pass the DALF C1 exam.

Plus, you need to think of ways to prepare for your French DALF C1 oral exam while also working, such as the following realistic options:

  • Present a report to management in French
  • Attend internal training workshops offered in French
  • Participate on a committee or project team where French will be used
  • Attend another department’s meeting where French will be used
  • Participate on a hiring panel where French will be one language used for evauation
  • Become active in a community organization
  • Mentor a French co-worker
  • Serve on a community board
  • Job shadow a French co-worker for a day
  • Pursue a degree or professional certification in French
  • Attend seminars and conferences in French
  • Attend a presentation about a different team or
  • process in French
  • Design and deliver a course or presentation in French
  • Lead an article discussion
  • Pursue an acting assignment within a French team
  • Run or chair a meeting in French
  • Attend external French training workshops

What is a Learning Plan?

A Learning Plan is a useful tool to plan and manage Learning Goals as they relate to achieving work objectives and/or competency development, such as you passing your DALF C1 French exam.

DALF C1 French Learning Plan
DALF C1 French Learning Plan

How do I develop a Learning Plan?

Developing a Learning Plan requires that you:

  1. Identify a Learning Goal, the Competency (core or general) to be developed or work objective to be achieved;
  2. Identify the learning experience needed to develop that ability; and
  3. Identify the support required to develop and apply that ability.

We want to emphasize that a learning experience does not have to be a formal training course. 

Why are Learning Plans important?

You have the opportunity to state your learning requirements to assist in achieving you objective to pass the DALF C1 French oral exam.

Planning out the work that you must do to prepare for your exam, and noting the areas that you must improve, allows you to incrementally improve versus simply conjugating 1000s of French verbs with no purpose.

How do I write a Learning Goal?

Learning Goals should be developed using the SMART approach (similar to setting Work Objectives).

SSpecificSpecify the topic/task of the Objective.
MMeasurableQuality, quantity, timeliness, and/or cost effectiveness.
AAchievableRealistic and within the employee’s control (not overly dependent on outside sources). 
RRelevantConsistent with the employee’s role in the workplace.
TTime-BasedThere is a time limit associated with completion.


“I want to be able to answer opinion questions within 5 days.”

“I want to be able to conjugate all verbs in the imparfait by 2 weeks.”

“I want to understand all of the French oral exam question types within 2 months.”

Final word on Learning Plan Benefits

Learning plans provide you with the specific steps to reach your French learning goals. Having your learning journey mapped out in advance removes decision paralysis, thus smoothing the path to success and passing your DALF C1 French oral exam!

If you would help with developing your French learning plan and prepare for French exams, such as the DALF C1, DELF B2, TCF, or TEF then we recommend that you consider downloading our French Oral Exam Learning Plan as a guide to get you started.

We will always keep the learning plan at the lowest price allowed by Amazon (£0.77) since we want you to always have access to free and affordable French learning and study-aids!

French oral exam study guide ebook series
French oral exam study-guide. Over 30 exam themes. Learn the most common French exam questions and how to provide a complex, yet concise response.


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French oral exam study guide ebook series
French oral exam study-guide. Over 30 exam themes. Learn the most common French exam questions and how to provide a complex, yet concise response.


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