The following section includes a collection of almost thirty (30) work related themes or subjects to help you study for your DALF C1 or DELF B2 French oral exams. Each theme includes a table of common vocabulary and phrases that can be applied in every day discussions at the workplace.
The majority of the themes are universal to any workplace and can serve as an excellent resource to help you prepare for your next interview or French oral exam. Each theme also includes additional text and/or videos that can be used to further practice the typical vocabulary (lexique) associated to a theme.

If your target workplace includes topics or subject areas not reflected by the listed themes, then you are encouraged to follow the same pattern. Therefore, for any new theme that you need to practice, you would note the key twenty nouns, verbs, adjectives and phrases related to your topic. You can then plug each item into a search engine query so that you can find additional articles, videos, or even interviews in French.
The following links provide a sampling of the common French oral exam subjects and topics that you may discuss during your exam evaluation. The ebook Phase 2 : Les Sujets includes the full detailed list to help you prepare and pass your French oral exam.
Au travail
- Au bureauÂ
- Au téléphoneÂ
- BavarderÂ
- La communicationÂ
- La formationÂ
- Les voyages d’affairesÂ
- La transportationÂ
- Les congésÂ
- Le télétravailÂ
- La gestion du tempsÂ
- Le parcours professionnelÂ
- La reconnaissanceÂ
- Le changementÂ
- La technologie Â
- HiérarchieÂ
- L’environnement toxique (harcèlement, intimidation)Â
- La tenue vestimentaireÂ
- Nuage informatique
Les projets
- Les projets
- Le travail en équipe
- Collaboration et compétition
- La mesure et l’évaluation des performances
La gestion
- Le recrutement
- La sous-traitance
- La gestion des conflits
- L’intimidation
- Négociations
- Le rendement
- Les réunions
- La risque
- Bitcoin
- La gestion financière
- Les approvisionnements
- Leadership
- La motivation
- Le mentorat
- Conscience de soi
- santé
- L’épuisement professionnel
- La conciliation travail / famille
- La gestion du stress
- Service client
- L’environnement
- Bénévole
- Loisirs
- La météo
- Accessibilité
- Ma famille
- Politiques
- L’exploration de l’espace
- Un citoyen
- Engagement des citoyens
- Toursime
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