How can mind maps prepare you for DELF, DALF, or TEF French oral interviews and exams?

A mind map is described by Wikipedia as being a visual tool to group ideas or information, thereby showing relationships between each object (source: Mind maps can be a valuable exercise to perform when studying for your DELF, DALF, or TEF French oral exams. The mind map can be created simply by thinking of a key theme or subject that is often used in French oral evaluations, such as the the subject communication.

View our mind map sample.

You can start by writing the noun communication in the center of a page and then reflect upon the positive aspects of good communication in a workplace and then the negative aspects of poor communication in a workplace. What are the nouns that you identified? What are the adjectives? What are the verbs? Have you listed any basic phrases?

men writing on board
Photo by fauxels on

Next, take a step back and identify if you can reorganize the objects you listed into top-level topics or sub-topics of another item. Can you consider looking at the parent theme communication from the point of view of the person sending the message or the person receiving the message? The mind mapping exercise is intended to be an informal activity, however, you can stop listing items related to the theme communication once you are at least three levels deep in at least three extensions of your parent theme.

Once you have created your first iteration of a mind map based on the theme communication, then you should practice trying to link themes together so that when you respond to common French oral evaluation questions you will be able to transition between multiple themes, thereby demonstrating a rich vocabulary and improve your ability to provide well-structured and logical responses instead of simply speaking a lot without a logical connection between ideas.

In Phase 2 : “Les Thèmes of the DELF, DALF, TCF, TEF, and Public Sector oral exam preparation study guide series, we outline over 30 workplace themes and the related vocabulary and expressions for each theme so that you can enrich your vocabulary and comprehension.

The full oral exam study guide series is available at and we encourage you to join your peers and discuss more themes and interview questions by joining our Facebook group DALF DELF TEF TCF oral exam questions at

If you have a mind map that you would like to share with other DELF, DALF, TEF French learners then please share it via our Facebook group DALF DELF TEF TCF oral exam questions at

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